Can I tell you a story?

I'll be quick

(4 minute read) // (15 minute exploration)

Hiii 👋🏾

Can you believe it’s already been a month since we last hung out?! I’m not sure where the time has gone. 

How are things? 

How is spring treating you? 

Were you able to prove some things wrong?

(For those of you who are just joining us, that was last month’s dare - to disprove a belief you had about yourself. You can catch up on it HERE)

So, you know what I’m going to say…

I hope I’m finding you sat down, chilling somewhere, ready for some self-deepening.

I have 4 questions, a lesson, and a dare for you.


Reflect on your year so far. If it was a movie, what would the title be? 

What genre is it?

e.g. action, romance, comedy, horror…?

If the second part of the year was the sequel, what happens in it?

Do new characters enter? Do any leave? Are there any plot twists? What happens with character development? Does the main character (that’s you!) change?

(and just because my mind went there) Who would play you?

My first thought was Zendaya lol (I wish)


On Friday I gave my first TEDx Talk. 

I stood on a stage and told friends, family and strangers about my lifelong struggles with identity. 

About how too many of us can go our whole lives never once questioning, or exploring who else we could be. I then shared a few tools and techniques that I’ve used to start experimenting with selfhood.

I was 14 when I decided I wanted to do a TED. 

It’s been my scary audacious goal for well over a decade. 

And whilst yes, I have definitely accumulated more knowledge and experience over these years, it’s a goal I probably could have gone for sooner. As honestly, my biggest blocker wasn’t me, or even TED, it was the story I told myself about myself and TED. 

Which was that - tldr: I wasn’t good enough yet.

“Life stories do not simply reflect personality. They are personality, or more accurately, they are important parts of personality, along with other parts, like dispositional traits, goals, and values,”

APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology.

The story you tell about who you are doesn’t just communicate what has happened, it also controls what will happen.

The version of me who told myself I wasn’t ready - didn’t apply. Meaning even if I was ready - that wasn’t the story I was living.

Now, the point I’m trying to make isn’t about doing things faster or sooner, (I’m someone who deeply believes in the timing of the universe). It’s a prompt to get you to start thinking about the stories you’re telling about yourself, and if they still apply?

And it is stories*, in many ways you’re a walking library, comprised of stories about love, about family, about betting on yourself, and at times falling short. You’ll have stories that intersect, like when work spills into friendship, and you’ll have some that clash and contradict.

For most of us, our brain needs stories to make sense of the ridiculousness of this world. It’s a protection mechanism, we need to make meaning of the things we experience. The issue is those stories don’t always protect us, in fact sometimes they end up harming us, dividing us, stifling us, and we rarely take the time to sort through them and replace the old with the new.


I dare you… to look at the story(s) you tell

(with us).

I turn 31 next month… and it’s usually this time of year that I start re-examining the stories I’ve told and get clearer on the ones I want to tell.

So instead of throwing a big party, I figured I’d host a virtual one - and in true Taurus fashion, it’s obviously going to be a week-long event.

And of course, you are invited!

Come and join us in -


What is it?

It’s a 7-day virtual challenge that supports you in exploring the stories you tell about who you are, and who you can be.

What’s required from you: not a lot.

It all kicks off on Monday 13th May and culminates in a live SELFHOOD workshop on Sunday 19th May.

Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May - you will be sent a daily email containing a video from me, and an exercise for you.

Saturday 18th May we take a break.

Sunday 19th May, you’re invited to a one-of-a-kind SELFHOOD workshop that will bring together; the work you’ve been doing, the people you’ve doing it alongside and some exciting future steps.

This email is already longer than usual - so you can learn more and sign up HERE

More than anything, this is an opportunity for you to get to know you.

Doing it with us just means you’ll also get prompts… and accountability.

I’d love to see you there!

See you on a Sunday.

(hopefully Sunday 19th)


And if you missed the link - HERE IT IS AGAIN (just for you)