- Exploring SELFHOOD
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- Well, we weren't expecting that...
Well, we weren't expecting that...
A mid-month snack
Wellllll, look who it is?!
It’s us! 👋🏾 We’re back! With a SELFHOOD email during the middle of the month…
We say this fully aware that you probably have no idea when we do or don’t send our emails. 🙃 But it’s a big deal for us, so just play along…
In our last email (if you missed it you can read it here) we asked you 5 questions about your self-exploration journey and what you’d like more of from this community.
We knew you’d show up for us, and you did, so thank you so much for that!
What we weren’t expecting… was how much love there was for the emails.
Now, don’t get us wrong, we back our emails, we know they’re good. But with the current state of inboxes these days, we figured people would want less, not more.
But clearly, what do we know? So starting RIGHT NOW we’re going to experiment with a mini mid-month top-up.
They (after this one), will be short, skimmable and contain a few cool links, videos, podcasts, or shows, that have been keeping the team - still exploring.
Then as always, Lauren will be back in your inbox on the last Sunday of the month with - a lesson, a question and a dare.
How much we suck at knowing what our friends/family/colleagues ACTUALLY think about us.
Enter the Johari Window, an OG self-awareness exercise designed to help you close the gap between who you think you are, and who your loved ones think you are.
You can learn more (and do it) on our site here.
These are Lauren’s results from earlier this week… 😅
If you REALLY want to play, there’s also the Nohari Window, which is the same process but with a list of traits that include gems like "incompetent," "arrogant," and "chaotic."
We recommend you ease in with the Johari…
You can start exploring HERE.
Something to read: Are we too busy to enjoy life?
“If you’re too busy to enjoy life - too busy to spend time with friends and family, too busy to learn how to paint or play the guitar, too busy to go on that hike, too busy to cook something nice for yourself - these moments will be gone, and you will never get that time back” - Anne-Laure Le Cunff
Something to listen to: How to shape your identity & goals
“Dr. Maya Shankar joins Andrew Huberman to discuss how our identities develop and change, how our beliefs and internal narratives shape our perception of self and how to use structured introspection about our values to determine our goals”.
Something to journal on: What (or who), have you found yourself envying recently?
For each entry, ask yourself: What does this really say about me? Sometimes it's obvious. You want more money, better abs, or a relationship. Sometimes it’s deeper: Maybe you want more freedom, more love, more purpose. Dig into that stuff. It can be a powerful motivator, showing us what we really want in life.
Something to enjoy: A reminder (for all humans) from Rachel Cargle
As always, if you have thoughts, insights, or a few snacks of your own.
Just hit reply! We love hearing from you :)
See you on a Sunday,
P.S If a friend forwarded this to you, stop creeping in the shadows and come and join us.
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